Then and now...

My mom really doesn't enjoy curling her hair or dressing up for that matter. Neither of us inherited that gene from my Grandmother who LOVES to dress up! So, one Christmas, we are guessing about 20 years ago, my mom had these pictures taken so that whenever G-ma was wishing she would curl her hair and dress up, she could just look at the pictures.

Since she curled her hair for our "fancy" dinner last night, and she was pretty sure it wouldn't be curled again in a LONG time, we thought we'd try to imitate them. It was hard to not show my teeth when I smiled, thus the reason I only did one that way! We always tell Lucy to show her teeth when she smiles and it turns out she got it from me!

The white one was my mom's favorite and this one was my favorite.
I think G-ma got the white one.
I can truly say that my mom is not just my mom, but one of my bestest friends too!
I love you mom!
